Green Raisins

Raisins- Green Raisins


Celery Seeds

Raisins are an internationally renowed, healthy snack food—cholesterol-free, low in sodium and totally fat-free. They provide many essential vitamins and minerals including iron, potassium, calcium and certain B vitamins. Raisins are a good source of fiber and are rich in antioxidants. .

Botanical Name

Packaging & Labelling
Vitis Vinifera
As per buyer’s requirement

Jabs ships different grades, as per the buyers requirement.

Home Remedies
  • Having antioxidant properties, raisins help keep the blood clean and flowing, by getting rid of all the impurities.
  • Raisins are believed to be good for bone density and have been associated with lower risk of osteoporosis in women
  • The phytonutrients and olenolic acid present in raisins makes them beneficial for the health of teeth and gums.
  • Raisins are good for eyes and have been found to be helpful in prevention of macular degeneration.
  • Studies claim that raisins contain additional nutritive compounds that can protect against heart disease and colon cancer.

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